Several years ago Amy and I received a phone call from a neighbor who told us his baby son had died at delivery. Our neighbors finally had conceived a child after trying for several years, but during the baby’s delivery, something went horribly wrong. Many people such as my neighbors would give almost anything to be a parent.
I can’t explain why God chooses to give children to some and not to others. But knowing that He has chosen me, I do not take the call to parenting lightly. You shouldn’t either.
God never would have given you the privilege of being a parent if He didn’t have an awesome plan for you. He has given you everything you need to be the exact parent your child needs.
Our church is presently in a series for the family entitled Family Strong. In our next study, we will focus on the battle families face in raising Christ-like followers. It's a message every famiy will need to hear. After 6.13.21, you can watch the archive of this message HERE.
Here are five critical foundational truths every parent needs to understand:
1. You are the most influential person in your child’s life.
more so than any friend, coach, teacher, pastor, boyfriend, girlfriend, or celebrity. I hear this regularly from students. So consider this: How are you influencing your child?
2. Your child wants you to be involved in his/her life.
Contrary to the lie of Satan and culture, she/he wants you to be an involved parent.
3. No matter what is culturally accepted, nothing is more authoritative than the truth of God’s Word.
It is up to you to communicate His truths to your family. Don’t allow yourself to be swayed by rules, values, and assumptions that come from any source other than the Bible.
4. You are a parent, not a pal.
Children don’t need their parents to be their friends; they need them to be parents.
5. You have to be willing to enter into discussions that make you uncomfortable.
No matter the fallout, you have to go there when it comes to difficult, risky, or potentially awkward topics. You need to be the constant voice of reason and truth, the adult who is willing to talk about anything and will compromise nothing.