This blog post is Part 7 of a series entitled, "Orthodoxy" by Pastor Jeffrey Dean Smith of Donelson First in Nashville, TN.
Message Date: February 19, 2023
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My wife’s name, Amy, is a French name that means: “beloved.” Our eldest daughter, Bailey Faith, bears a name that is of British origin which means: “fortification.” Our youngest, Brynnan Grace, has a name that means: “noble or exalted.” Our eldest son, Bentley (the dog), interestingly has a name that means: “meadow with pleasant grass.” And our youngest son, Boone (the other dog), has a name that simply means: “good or blessing.” I think a more fitting name for Boone: is “poops like an elephant!”
Look at these names...
El, Eloah (el, el-oh-ah) /Hebrew/ = Mighty; Strong; Prominent
Elohim (el-oh-heem) /Hebrew/ = Mighty Creator
El Shaddai (el-shah-dahy) /Hebrew/ = God Almighty; Mighty One of Jacob
Adonai (ah-daw-nahy) /Hebrew/ = Lord
Yahweh-Jireh (yah-way-ji-reh) /Hebrew/ = The Lord will Provide
Yahweh-Rapha (yah-way-raw-faw) /Hebrew/ = The Lord who Heals
Yahweh-Nissi (yah-way-nee-see) /Hebrew/ = The Lord our Banner
Yahweh-M’Kaddesh (yah-way-meh-kad-esh) /Hebrew/ = The Lord who Sanctifies; Makes Holy
Yahweh-Shalom (yah-way-shah-lohm) /Hebrew/ = The Lord our Peace
Yahweh-Elohim (yah-way-el-oh-him) /Hebrew/ = Lord God
Yahweh-Tsidkenu (yah-way-tzid-kay-noo) /Hebrew/ = The Lord our Righteousness
Yahweh-Rohi (yah-way-roh-hee) /Hebrew/ = The Lord our Shepherd
Yahweh-Shammah (yah-way-sham-mahw) /Hebrew/ = The Lord is There
Yahweh-Sabaoth (yah-way-sabbath) /Hebrew/ = The Lord of Hosts
El Elyon (el-el-yohn) /Hebrew/ = Most High
El Roi (el-roh-ee) /Hebrew/ = God of Seeing
El-Olam (el-oh-lahm) /Hebrew/ = Everlasting God
El-Gibhor (el-ghee-bohr) /Hebrew/ = Mighty God
These are just some of the many names of the One Holy God. You know one thing the Orthodoxy series has forced of me, which has been an extremely welcomed exercise, is for me to think, to really think, through attributes of the Christian faith in ways I have never. I have never spent so much time as we did over the past three weeks specifically studying the characteristics and evidence and authority of the Words of God. I hope you enjoyed that part of the Orthodoxy series.
I too have been incredibly overwhelmed this week as I have thought through the magnitude of how undeserving I am to be loved by the One Holy God.
We are in week 7 of a study on truth entitled: Orthodoxy.
Orthodoxy = The foundational truths that define the Christian faith.
Today, we consider Orthodoxy Foundational Principle #2: God is the One Holy God.
And I am confident that you too will experience a similar realization as have I this week as to the wonder and awe of what it means to be the recipient of ultimate love from the One Holy God. - - Did Abraham, Issac, and Jacob know God’s name? Of course, they knew of His majesty and power. And of course, God did make a covenant with them.
But... did they know God’s name, God’s Hebrew name?
Well... I say, “No!”
And, I even presume that it is very possible that not even Adam, Eve, Cain, Abel, Noah, nor Joseph knew the Hebrew name of God.
How can this be? We read throughout the book of Genesis, including the very first line of the bible, the name “God.” Well... this is true. However, remember, the Bible was written by people after these events occurred. Specifically, the first books of the Bible, we believe, were written by Moses who would have written inserting God’s name so that we, the reader, would understand the dialogue happening between God and people.
So... the obvious question is, “Why would I suggest such?” And the obvious follow-up question is, “Who then is the first person to learn the name of God?
Exodus 6:1-3
In this passage, we see 2 names for God. Let’s address the second name first.
God says in Verse 3, “I appeared to Abraham, Issac, and Jacob as God Almighty.”
God Almighty /Hebrew/ = A title of majesty; Mighty One.
This name is a “title.” And God says, “It is with THIS name under which I made myself known to Abraham, Issac, and to Jacob.” It appears God reveals Himself to everyone prior to Moses addressed with the title of “One who is majestic.”
Let’s now look at the first name we read in this passage. We find this name in Verse 2:
“God says to Moses...”
“I am the Lord...”
Lord /Hebrew/ = YHWH
And, just a few verses back, we see that God again distinguishes between the “majestic” title of which He was once known and the name “YHWH.”
Exodus 3:14-15
When God says in Verse 15:
“The Lord” /Hebrew/ = YHWH
Here we read God using the Hebrew name for Himself: YHWH But when God says, “...the God of your fathers...” The use of the Hebrew word for “God” which God speaks 4 times means:
“...the God... ” /Hebrew/ = A title of majesty; mighty One.
So, again it appears that God did not reveal Himself to be YHWH to His people until the life of Moses. I find this to be fascinating! Don’t you?
Who is God? The name of God is the Hebrew word = YHWH
This is how God’s name was revealed in the Hebrew Scriptures. Ancient Hebrew did not have vowels, so the exact pronunciation of the combined letters “YHWH” is uncertain.
YHWH is the intimate name God reveals to His people by which He is to be addressed.
Think about this - - From Creation to the time of the birth of Moses in 1526 BC, it appears that there is a span of approximately 2,500 years. If this is in fact the timeline of when God reveals His name, YHWH, to His people, which I believe it is, then the obvious question is: Why?” Why did God wait so long to reveal His name?
My personal opinion: Consider to whom He reveals this very intimate name – Moses.
Moses isn’t just a person. Moses is the man whom YHWH has anointed to do what - - free HIS PEOPLE.
Not just any people: Exodus 3:7-8
THIS is a critical moment in time when the God is known by the title, “Majestic One,” intimately becomes the God, the Holy God, known as “YHWH.”
The Holy God, YHWH, then says He will do this: Exodus 6:6-8
Isn’t this so good?! God reveals that it is THESE people, HIS people, whom He will free, redeem, and take as His own people.
At the time in history when God chooses to make known His people and to begin the story of redemption for His people, He too becomes the God intimately known to His people as YHWH.
And, from this moment forward, God is known in the Bible as the one Holy God intimately connected to His people!
This is why I love this study! The more we study, the more we learn about the word of God. Such interesting stuff! Consider:
Has anyone ever asked you, “How do you know God exists?”
Well, we’ve spent a significant amount of time already in the Orthodoxy series examining an outrageous amount of evidence pointing to the authenticity of Scripture. So, we won’t take the time today to walk back through this evidence as it relates to God’s existence.
Consider this... (and this will take me a bit to explain... so stay with me!)
A week ago tonight, the NFL celebrated its biggest night of the season on the biggest stage in the world. Congrats to the Kansas City Chiefs.
If you are like me, then you look forward to the commercials almost as much as you look forward to the game. Though this year, the commercials didn’t seem to live up to the typical hype.
If you are also like me, then you also continually remain disappointed in the display of an over-sexualized, often orgy-like celebration we endure during the halftime of the Super Bowl from artist-to-artist year after year!
Sadly, and shame on the NFL knowing that millions of both innocent and impressionable young eyes and minds are watching, the NFL allowed it to happen again with this year’s 13-minute performance by pop artist Rihanna.
Interestingly, when this industry is in celebration mode, as it was during the halftime show last Sunday night, it appears it too is in the business of highlighting a lifestyle and a character that is front and center at odds with holiness and Godliness. I say that, not to be a downer on the NFL, but to remind you of the exact opposing position the entire industry took just a few weeks previous to Rihanna’s sex-fueled debacle on the night of January 2nd during the televised Monday Night Live Football game between the Buffalo Bills and the Cincinnati Bengals.
As I am sure you are aware, during the first quarter of this game played in Cincinnati, Damar Hamlin, a 24-year-old safety tackled the Bengals receiver, Tee Higgins. After the tackle, Hamlin stood up, took two steps, and then collapsed to the turf. Higgins was not hurt. Hamlin then went into cardiac arrest and was administered CPR, and his heartbeat was revived on the field. He was then taken to the University of Cincinnati Medical Center in critical condition. What happened during those minutes is unlike anything I have ever seen while watching an NFL game - - players, coaches, fans, and even referees dropped to their knees, huddled together, and prayed. How ironic the industry that celebrated a super sex-hyped, and what I would label, “a non-nude pornographic production” just last week in front of the year’s largest global viewing audience, just a few weeks previous to this outrageous display, the same industry was crying out to YHWH for His mercy and hand of healing upon Mr. Hamlin.
Well, the answer to the “why” is the same answer to the question, when you are asked: “How do you know God exists?” You see, we have a world of people who, generation to generation, cry out to God in their greatest time of need, as did the NFL industry on the night of January 2, and we know God exists because the same answer applies to both situations:
Every person is born with a deep, inner sense that a Holy God exists.
Every person! Not every person will publicly acknowledge such. But a lack of acknowledgment doesn’t trump an inner sense of reality with which we each are born! Look at what Paul, a follower of Jesus Christ, wrote in Romans about how even those who are unbelievers think about God: Romans 1:18-25
A quick pause... This is one of those verses you should underline & make note of in your Bible! Verse 18 says that people who choose not to believe in God must first “suppress” the truth about Him.
Do you know what suppress means?
suppress /Greek/ = to forcefully put an end to
Look, one cannot forcefully put an end to something that has no beginning. So, the beginning is that there was once a confirmation to the existence of God in us each! Scripture confirms that there is an inner realization we all have that points to a living, Holy God.
Paul is stating that, for those who choose to deny God, there is an active and willful rejection of the truth in us about God. And it is not just a simple choice some make. It is a choice that, look at verse 25...
... a choice that... “...exchanged the truth about God for a lie!”
I have been asked many, many times about the scenario such as this:
“Well, what about those people who live in ‘third world’ countries who can’t go to Church like us and who haven’t had a missionary visit them... how can they ever know about God and then be condemned to hell if they never hear about Him?” These words confirm to us that such a scenario just does not happen. I can’t explain it fully... but I do believe what God’s Word says about this matter is true!
Romans 1:18-20
I know every story is different, and I don’t know how God fully does what He does, but this passage confirms to us that “people are without an excuse.”
God is the one Holy God, and scripture tells us: The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” Psalm 14:1
Scripture also confirms to us that it is sin that leads a person to deny the existence of a Holy God.
Look at: Psalm 10:3-4
Paul goes on to say essentially this. Romans 1:21-32
Wow! There is so much in this passage. What I want to point out to you is the intentional act Scripture points to that leads a person to deny the inner sense that a Holy God exists. We already read in Romans 1:20 that we are all “without excuse.” We read a continuation of this idea with active verbs indicating a willful suppression of the truth:
Look at these words we see are used in describing this personal action of so many to deny God:
Humanities actions to deny the deep, inner sense that a Holy God exists:
In Romans 1:23: “exchanged”
In Romans 1:24: “degraded”
In Romans 1:25: “exchanged”
In Romans 1:27: “abandoned”
In Romans 1:28: “do”
In Romans 1:32: “approved”
This is a very real and eternally devastating process happening in the world today! But... For the Christ-follower, this deep, inner sense that a Holy God exists becomes stronger and stronger to me as I work to strengthen my relationship with YHWH.
The Spirit you received does not make you slaves so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him, we cry, “Abba, Father.” The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. Romans 8:15-16
This is how you, as one loyal to the one Holy God, YHWH, place trust in Him:
Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with inexpressible and glorious joy. 1 Peter 1:8
Orthodoxy Foundational Principle #2: God is the One Holy God, is such an important principle for us.
You see...
How I view God determines how I live for God... ... or lack thereof.
God obviously knows this. This is why He says:
The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law. Deuteronomy 29:29
revealed /Hebrew/ = naked exposure
God intimately chooses to fully expose the divine nature of who He is so that I may know Him and love Him and live for Him.
Oh, how it must break the heart of YHWH to hear people call Him a “distant God,” an “unloving God,” or not even a God at all. Because Scripture proves to us over and again that a Holy God, went to the most extreme lengths to reveal Himself to us.
I want to quickly offer you 3 truths about the Holy God, YHWH:
1. YHWH must reveal Himself to me.
I had lunch with one of our First Students, this week. While eating with him, I learned: He loves waffles. He loves Waffle House hashbrowns. He once ate hashbrowns with sugar! He thinks his dad is really funny. He thinks his mom is not funny at all.
Every time I meet with Turner I learn more and more about him – he reveals to me more of himself.
If I am to know God, I can only do so as He reveals Himself to me.
Yes, we just discussed that every person is born with a deep, inner sense that a Holy God exists. But this sense is only present because God chooses so.
Romans 1:18-19 says: The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them.
Look what Jesus said about this very revelation:
All things have been committed to me by my Father. No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him. Matthew 11:27
For every born-again believer listening today, this should be a reminder to you and lead you to proclaim: “I am so thankful! I am so thankful God revealed Himself to me!” Aren’t you so glad that God has revealed Himself to you.
2. YHWH cannot fully be understood.
If I did not know how old I was, how old would I be?
How do I remember moments that happened when I was a child, yet I often forget where I place my keys?
If I get fulfillment from wasting time, is time actually wasted?
If I knew the day on which I would die, would I change anything about the way I live?
If everything is possible, could it be possible for something to be impossible?
If I fail on purpose, have I actually succeeded?
Why do we park in a driveway and drive on a parkway?
Isn’t it fun to think about things that really make us think? This too should make us think... and leave us in awe of YHWH:
I am finite. God is infinite. It is true that God wants me to know more & more about His love, nature, and character. It is also true that I will never fully know all there is to know about God.
Psalm 145:3 says: Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom.
Psalm 147:5 says: Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding has no limit.
So many passages in the Holy Scriptures attest to the truth that you and I will never fully know the greatness and majesty of the Holy God.
Isaiah 55:9: As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.
And David writes: Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain. Psalm 139:6
Now some may wonder, “Then, why even try?” If I can never know all there is to know about God, why try? Why read Scripture? Why sit under biblical teaching when I could just be at Cinco de Mayo having fajitas today? Why even attend Church?”
3. YHWH cannot fully be understood, but He can be intimately known.
I will never fully understand God. But I should never stop pursuing the intimacy of a relationship with God.
The One who revealed His name, YHWH, to His people thousands of years ago, is the same Holy God who continues working to intimately reveal Himself to me today.
Paul told us in Colossians 1:10: that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God.
One of our members, Betty Maddox, was a teacher at Donelson Christian Academy when my wife was a student there. I have known Tom & Betty Maddox for many, many years. Mrs. Maddox has often told me the story of a young Amy Bryson who would have intense conversations with her post-exams working to convince her that her answer, which Mrs. Maddox would have said was wrong on an exam, is actually in fact correct. Mrs. Maddox has admitted that on some occasions, Amy was convincing enough to get her to change an exam score! How funny that now my girls, who are both in college at Belmont, do the same with their professors!
I love that they have taken after their momma in their pursuit of excellence in higher learning. If I am to live a life pleasing to a Holy God, I am to do so continually, as Paul writes: “...growing in the knowledge of God."
Some biblical scholars debate whether or not we can actually “know” God or only know about God.
I know many facts about God, but I can also know Him, have a relationship with Him, and continue to grow closer to Him. This is what the Lord says:
“Let not the wise boast of their wisdom or the strong boast of their strength or the rich boast of their riches but let the one who boasts boast about this: that they have the understanding to know me, that I am the Lord, who exercises kindness, justice, and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight,” declares the Lord. Jeremiah 9:23-24
Do you see what a Holy God is saying should bring you and me the most delight? He says, “Do not boast about your personal accomplishments or physical strength!” “Do not be prideful over your riches!”
In what am I to boast: “...the understanding to know me, that I am the Lord...” And then YHWH says, “It is this... in which I delight!”
Wow! How amazing! The Holy God, YHWH, finds delight in ME knowing Him.
This is an Orthodoxy worth knowing and pursuing!
Jeffrey Dean Smith is a husband, father to Bailey & Brynnan, author, and the Senior Pastor at Donelson First in Nashville, TN. If you are in Music City, meet Jeffrey and enjoy iced tea on the front lawn each Sunday at 10:30a.