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This blog post is Part 3 of a series entitled "The Philosophy Of Life" by Pastor Jeffrey Dean Smith of Donelson First in Nashville, TN. 

Message Date: January 19, 2025

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You have a purpose.

No matter what the present circumstances of your life dictate; no matter desired dreams or goals yet to be realized; regardless of failures, mistakes, and missteps along your life journey; and, too, irrespective of any personal beliefs in, nor doubts about, God you possess...

You have a purpose.

Knowing this reality does not necessarily remove the anxiety that can accompany one who is wrestling with the question: “Why am I here?” Too, the question that runs parallel with this question: “What am I to do with my life?” There is not a person on Earth, who has not, in one way or the other, verbalized, and I presume, wrestled with, such questions. To arrive at the proper answer, it is critically important to note the necessary distinction between the “why” and the “what.” And the proper recognition of, and knowledge toward, each, is what truly defines one’s philosophy of life in relation to: purpose.

Now... in actuality... “Why am I here?”, is an all-together differing question than, What am I to do with my life?” And the distinct knowledge of proper answers to both of these questions is what truly has the power to separate the Christian from the world. The world typically answers questions about one’s purpose with statements such as: Get all you can while you can! Get ahead and stay ahead of everyone else! Every man for himself... so do whatever you have to do to win! Such a life philosophy may sound like words of success and victory. But in actuality, such a mantra always, always leaves one gaming for more; fighting for more; searching for more.

Too, it may seem as though the two questions, “Why am I here?”, and “What am I supposed to do with my life?”, are answers to questions that arrive at the same conclusion. Ironically, they are not! The “why” defines the mission of your life. The “what” outlines the way in which you fulfill the mission of your life. All too often, the lines between the two can become blurred as you pursue the purpose for life. Understanding the purpose for which you have been created is one of the most important attributes of your life philosophy.

Three realities about purpose:
1. There is an undeniable purpose for your life.
2. When your purpose intersects with God’s will, you can accomplish what no one else can.
3. You can become extremely successful and yet never fulfill the purpose for which you have been created.

This was exactly the reality for humanity’s wisest person, who too just happened to be the King of Israel:

Ecclesiastes 2:10-11

I presume this is the reality for so very many people – people who are religious; talented; popular; people who appear to have it all together; who have everything yet truly have nothing. So, let’s discuss these two questions beginning first, with the question: Why am I here? Why are you here? Have you ever considered such? I presume, yes!

Understanding your “why” helps define your “what.”

Fully understanding the answer to the question, “Why am I here?”, helps clearly define the answer to the question, “What am I to do with my life?” Both answers speak to “purpose.” The answers in unison offers a clear life philosophy on a plethora of choices you will make throughout a lifetime. So...

“Why am I here?” To bring God glory. God wants you to emphatically understand your why;” the reason for which you draw breath in this life. You are here, above all else, to glorify God. This is such a timeless question, inevitably tied to requests of purpose and personal worth. It’s an important question to ask, and the answer to which one arrives determines how one navigates life, thinks of themselves, and interacts with the world.

For so very many, here is where the irony comes to play. 81% of Americans believe that humanity arrived at its presence position through the process of evolution. Less than 20% of Americans attribute the biblical story of Creation as humanity’s origin. Yet consider this... if this were true, if man arrived on Earth as a result of evolution, then this would mean that there is no point, no meaning, no purpose to one’s life. If man merely evolved, then man has no ultimate purpose. Man is just here as a condition of progression and development, rather than divine plan and purpose. One cannot have both. Man cannot exist merely on change and chance and still possess a purpose that directs and guides one’s life. The two cannot cohabitate. Instead, God says this about man’s position on Earth:

Everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made. Isaiah 43:7

The prophet Isaiah states that you have been created for God’s glory. Everything begins here. Everything about your life. Every decision you make. Every plan you stake. Every dream you dream. Every goal you set. Every journey upon which you embark. It is to all and for all and because all of your life is for this purpose: To bring God glory. Now some say, “How arrogant of God to expect glory from us each?” However, be clear... God is due your glory because God is the One, the sole One, who gave you life.

Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” Genesis 1:26

And recall when Jesus tells us in the New Testament how we are to pray:

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Matthew 6:9-10

Hallowed / hagiazō / / Greek / v. = to glorify; to set as holy

Jesus confirms, even in the way in which you are to pray, you are to hallow the name of God. Bring Him glory before anything else! Even the Savior’s final words before ascending to heaven echo this divine sentiment:

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. Matthew 28:19-20

Jesus’ final command was one that is to bring glory to His Father as you choose to do all that He has commanded. And before your first instance came to be, God had already ordained and ordered your very steps.

Psalm 139:1-6

Psalm 139:13-16

Knowing that God ordered the entirety of your life before you drew your first breath does not necessarily help you better resolve very real questions with which you struggle as to career and marriage and dilemmas and dreams and more. But it does offer to you a hope, an unyielding hope, as you navigate such real and often emotionally treacherous life moments. Look at what Isaiah wrote about the glory for which God is so very deserving:

I will say to the north, ‘Give them up!’ and to the south, ‘Do not hold them back.’ Bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the ends of the earth - everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made.” Isaiah 43:6-7

Isaiah confirms what it is we have been reminded of today – You are formed; created; made by God. And this is done for His glory! Now, I presume for some, you might be pondering a thought such as: “Yes, I agree with you Pastor Jeffrey. However, such an answer does not help me figure out the “what” for my life: What is next for my life? What do I do about choosing a college? What career should I pursue? In what way shall I serve; give of my finances; donate my time? Well, to the contrary I say... Knowing one’s purpose is to bring God glory, in actuality, can, in the proper time, with the right moves, and with an abundance of faith and patience, help you answer all of these questions and more. You see...

Your purpose is not merely to discover the reason for which you live. Ultimately, your purpose is to fulfill the reason for which you are to live.

And as you choose to answer the “why” of your life by glorifying Him in all you do, then answers to questions become less about trying to figure out what you can get out of life, or how you can accomplish all of your dreams, or how you can acquire all the stuff in life you desire.... and instead... life becomes entirely and all-together more about... God. You see... As you align your purpose with His glory, everything else in life becomes less important; everything! Everything else in life becomes secondary to the daily mantra to bring God glory; today; right now; with the time given to you; in the way that says, “less of me, more of Him.”

I want to address one arena of life that truly contributes to the question, “Why am I here?” It is an area of which, I boldly say, is one many rarely, if ever, give consideration to as it relates to desiring the will over, and knowledge of, our Lord. I presume this to be true of you. I too will attest the same of me. I feel confident in proclaiming that we each need never to stop striving to accomplish fulfilling one’s purpose for our lives in this particular area. As His Church, we seek God's purpose for our lives in so very many areas. For instance, we request His will as it relates to His hand of healing over the sick. We seek His face on financial matters. We ask that He leads our steps over the decisions of career, family, parenting, and more. We say we want to live within the purpose of God in so very many areas of our lives. But in this one area… I wonder if you have ever asked of God, “What is the purpose for my life?” To what area do I refer?


In John 4, Jesus is having a conversation with a woman. We do not know her name. We only know that she is a Samaritan and has come to a well to draw water. While speaking with her, Jesus says:

A time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. John 4:23

There is no way you can embrace a life philosophy that offers glory to God without too living a life that worships Him. For in true worship, He is glorified. Have you ever requested of God,  “Teach me to worship you as I live out the purpose for which I have been created?” Church, I think, I truly do, that... we are missing this... I mean... think about it... I wonder how many of us, when thinking through New Year’s resolutions and goals and dreams at the beginning of 2025 thought... “I resolve to worship God more in the new year?” True and genuine life worship. Worship that goes beyond our typical prayers of, “Give me what I want God. Give me what I think I need, Lord.” Living in such a way that places your deepest act of glory and reverence and admiration on the Creator of all things who longs to have a deep and intimate and close relationship with you. This is worship – this is authentic life purpose worship.

How do we worship God as a philosophy of life? Well, let me first say… if you presume all to which I refer is merely a singing of several songs on a Sunday morning corporately as a church, then you are gravely mistaken and in incomplete contempt as to the life you are created to live. Yes, you worship God in the singing of songs Sunday morning corporately as a church. But this is not the only way in which you worship God. In actuality, the ways are countless; endless!

When you pursue God's will before your own, you worship God.
When you ask God to lead you in your career, you worship God.
When you ask God to guide you in your daily decision-making, you worship God.
When you request God's wisdom as you choose a soulmate, you worship God.
When you set aside self-ambitions, die to self, and follow Him, you worship God.

Paul said this to the Church in Philippi:

Philippians 2:9-11

You worship God when you bow your knee. Your worship God when you confess with tongue, “You are Lord.” And did you notice what too Paul said? When you do these things, you do them for the “glory of God." Interestingly, we see over and again in Scripture this correlation between purpose and selflessness; life philosophy and worship; and it is all for the glory of God! And too... every last bit of it, runs counter-culture to the ways and actions and movements of Western American culture, which, let’s admit it y’all... It is the cool-aid we mostly have all drank!

The idea that one’s life philosophy is to be about developing skill sets and pursuing dreams and accomplishing goals and making the most of all that is afforded to you so that you can become what you desire, and amass what you can acquire, and make a name for yourself and create a legacy worth remembering by those who follow you. But Scripture is pointing to something altogether different as it relates to purpose, is it not? Scripture is directing us to align our personal pursuits for purpose with bringing God glory; making Him known; helping the world see that what His Word says about Him is true; is right; is holy; is worth pursuing; is fulfilling; is righteous; is eternal; is the life philosophy for which we each should aspire! This is the philosophy for which Christ came, and too is the one we are to embrace until He returns!

Answer this question: Why is Christ one day returning?

We know that He will one day return, and in doing so, will fulfill God’s promise that His Son is coming again. We too know that, upon His return, He will judge the world and save His people for eternity! But each of these reasons is secondary to the greater reason for His return. Each of these reasons as to the return of our Lord cumulatively support the ultimate reason for His return:

 ... on the day he comes to be glorified in his holy people and to be marveled at among all those who have believed. 2 Thessalonians 1:10

Do you see this? The Christ is returning to bring glory to God – so that all the people will marvel at who He is and at what He has done for us all! I dare say most church-folk, when answering the question as to why Jesus will one day return almost undoubtedly make statements such as, “Christ is returning to take us home!” Or, “Our Lord will one day return to save us and bring us into eternity.” But in reality, these reasons are secondary to the true reason for His return: To bring God glory!

The Lord’s return is not about you. His return is about Him! It’s always been about Him! Yes, He is returning for His bride, the Church. But He is doing so... such a return is not for the sake of you. He is doing so for the glory of Himself! From moment one of the story of time when we read, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth [Genesis 1:1],” to the very end of the times when we read, “... on the day he comes to be glorified in his holy people [2 Thessalonians 1:10],” ... we see that humanity’s purpose is to bring glory to God above all else!

So... How does knowing this reality about your true purpose, to bring glory to God, speak to the very real and often troubling question, the second question I presented earlier... “What am I to do with my life?” Though worded in countless ways, this is a question with which we all wrestle in this life as to understanding your personal and unique purpose as it relates to career, goals, family and on and on. Discovering your individual purpose is an interesting and fascinating and peculiar journey. Everyone wants to know the answer to this question. Yet truly, few ever take the critical, and may I say, extremely sacrificial steps necessary to arrive at the God-ordained answer.

The pursuit for purpose in your life is not merely about an answer to a question. It is instead about your daily journey of surrender one choice at a time.

Psalm 119:33-40

The Psalmist is speaking of a life-long journey of learning the ways of God by spending time with God. I was recently asked by a friend, “Do you believe God cares what career I choose?” What do you think? Do you think God cares about what you do for a living? Now, I preface my thoughts with this statement, “Of course God cares about everything. He cares about you more than anyone else cares about you. He wants the best for you more than anyone in your life wants the best for you.” Yet, I too believe, that God is less concerned about your career of choice and is increasingly more concerned that you choose to live obediently to Him no matter what career choice you make. You see... whatever choice you make in life – career, marriage, church, relationships, and more... The pursuit for purpose in your life is truly a life-long journey. It is a destination at which one never fully arrives in life. The pursuit of purpose is less about a destination and so very much more about the daily task of trust, one choice at a time.

I presume you might be wondering... "Well, Jeffrey, what if I misstep? What if I choose a path that is all-together at odds with the Lord’s will?” First I would say, this is why everything we discuss and teach at DF is so very important to your spiritual health. You see, I teach so very often, and in actuality, I taught on this very principle last post...

Get in the Word. Calendar time with God.

Church I don't just teach this because it sounds right or it's the right thing to do. To the contrary...You see... The one who consistently spends time with God will consistently make choices that align with God's will for one’s purpose in life. Simply: If you are consistently seeking the will of God as to His purpose in a particular area of your life, God will reveal His desired will to you and for you. Look at what the Psalmist wrote about how one is to stay on the right life-path with God:

Psalm 119:1-16

Do you see this! The Psalmist says in verses 2-3:

Blessed are those who keep his statutes and seek him with all their heart - they do no wrong but follow his ways. Psalm 119:2-3

Now this doesn't mean that we always step in accordance with the will of God. Of course not. There is not a person here today who has not at one point or the other mis-stepped with God. The Psalmist is confirming exactly what we discussed last week- the critical step of calendering time with God! And, as you do, the missteps will be less and less. Too, when you are consistently spending time with God, He will not allow you to step too far from His plans and purpose for your life. As I stated earlier:

Daily communion with God helps align your plans with His will.

As you do this more and more and more, the answer to the question, “What am I to do with my life?”, is revealed in innumerable ways each day as you strive to glorify God. This is why Paul wrote:

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31

And what then begins to take shape is that you, in your unique way, glorify God in your career, marriage, relationships, goal pursuit, and more through your skill set, personality, temperament and passions. In knowing this, it truly makes these words from Peter all the more powerful, and too, attainable as you live out your purpose for His glory:

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen. 1 Peter 4:10-11

As we conclude, I would suggest that, rather than asking, “Why am I here?”, or “What am I to do with my life?”, a more proper question to ask is: In what way can I best fulfill my purpose? Cornell University professor Anthony L. Burrow says: When you live within your purpose, you stay psychologically stable. People who pursue their purpose too better react with more calmness and composure to both positive and negative situations of life. 

As you ask and begin to seek the answer as to your purpose, keep in mind: The more you work to know the Christ, the more you will naturally fall in love with Him. The more you love Him, the more you will obey Him. And the more you obey Him, ultimately, the more you will glorify Him with your life purpose.


Jeffrey Dean Smith is a husband, father to Bailey & Brynnan, author, and the Senior Pastor at Donelson First in Nashville, TN. If you are in Music City, meet Jeffrey and enjoy iced tea on the front lawn each Sunday at 10:30a.