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This blog post is Part 6 of a series entitled "The Philosophy Of Life" by Pastor Jeffrey Dean Smith of Donelson First in Nashville, TN. 

Message Date: February 9, 2025

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To know Scripture... is to know God. The Bible is the most important book ever written in all of the history of time! The Bible is the infallible Word of God! The Bible is a collection of the very words of Jehovah God that have the supernatural ability to change lives! Too, the Holy Scriptures are the only collection of words written in the entirety of the span of time that truly have the power to separate the Christian from the world.

The Bible is God breathed, God inspired, God directed, and God ordained.

The Bible is life; truth; vivacity; salvation; purity; redemption; holiness; veracity; inspiration; restoration. The Bible is the only compilation of the very story of humanity’s creation, fall, redemption, and eternal glorification. The Bible can educate; encourage; eradicate; edify; empower; master; mature; motivate; ignite; invite; impact; inspire; control; convict; correct; consume; guide; grow; lead; protect; promote; procure; unite; redeem; rejuvenate; recalculate!

The Bible is truly indescribable; fully undefinable; solely unmatchable; altogether sensational! The Bible is life itself and the very words of Scripture have the power to help humanity solve problems, avoid pitfalls, order one’s life; protect one’s thoughts; warn of dangers; guide one’s thoughts; erase one’s regrets; rebuild one’s life; rewrite one’s destiny; re-route one’s eternity. There is not a person here today who does not believe that the Holy Scriptures are valuable to one’s life. There is not a person here today who does not believe that the Word of God can make the lives of people better. There is not a person here today who, whether in possession of such knowledge or not, is not desperate for the power that can only be found in the life-altering words of Scripture.

So... if every word I have just spoken is true, which it absolutely and undoubtedly is... then... Why do a majority of Christians never read the Bible outside of Church? Roughly, only 45% of Christians read the Bible once a week. Only 20% of Christians read the Bible every day. Too... Only 42% of Christians say the Bible is 100% accurate. And a majority of Christians say the Bible is written for each person to interpret as they choose. Reality is... Most Christians have never read through the entirety of the Bible. Most Christians can recite the lyrics to more songs than can name the books of the Bible in order. Most Christians have memorized more names of college football coaches than that of Scripture verses. This is why our time of teaching today is so very critical to helping you connect the dots from the truth of God’s Word to the philosophy by which you live.

Let me remind you, church... A life of casualness and conformity is simply this... a life wasted. A life with no purpose cannot, nor ever will, satisfy. A life of routine that merely exists and survives and simply is from day to day is truly no life at all. This is why we are spending the opening weeks of this new year crafting a clear defining character of what your life philosophy can and should be. Your life philosophy determines the value of your life existence. Every single attribute presented throughout this study emphatically and unapologetically unites your abilities with God’s anointing.

As we continue our series, The Philosophy of Life, we do so today examining life philosophy attribute #6. And it is this attribute that is unique above all other attributes; it is this one attribute that is set apart from all other attributes we have and will discover in this series. For it is this attribute alone that truly shapes all other attributes. The true foundational purpose of this study is to help you assemble a philosophy for your life that is rich and vibrant and of great purpose and of tremendous vision and value to you, to those around you with whom you do life, and too, to the greater world. You have been born uniquely, shaped immensely, for the exact purpose to glorify God in every single aspect and facet of your life. You have been gifted with unique skill sets and passions and a temperament of endless value that is of remarkable significance to the world.

Understanding all of this helps you to best offer to the world what it is that you were created to do and experience and accomplish during your time in existence on this planet. And your understanding of all of these truths hinges upon life philosophy attribute #6: 


Church, hear this today: A life philosophy void of intentional time in the Scriptures is a life void of true intentionality. A life philosophy void of deliberate time in the Scriptures is a life exempt of eternal purpose and perspective. A life philosophy void of methodical time in the Scriptures is simply this... a wasted life.

The wisest man to have ever lived, other than our Savior, Jesus, explored the vast beauty and pleasures afforded to humanity during his time on Earth. Look at his resolve to such an exploration:

Ecclesiastes 2:1-11

And too, in the New Testament, a wealthy man who had experienced so very many worldly pleasures and relationships, asked Jesus how to find true eternal freedom:

Matthew 19:21-24

I wonder today if you are willing to answer this question: Upon whom or what have I relied to establish my significance? Scripture helps us clearly comprehend this truth: The reach of human connection will always fall short because there are areas of your life reserved solely for an intimate interaction with God alone. Take in the completeness of this statement this morning, y’all. There are places in your heart, that no matter what pursuits nor personal endeavors at which you toil, only God can and will ever satisfy. This is precisely why Jesus said these words:

I have come that they may have life and have it to the full. John 10:10b

This too is precisely why God has given us the Holy Scriptures. So very many often look to, turn toward, and count upon worldly interactions for completeness. Sadly, such human connections will always, always leave one longing for more – more peace; more comfort; more satisfaction; more completeness. Worldly pursuits, no matter how noble, will eventually fade. Humans cannot complete humans. This is why a vast majority of humanity is left feeling empty; alone; betrayed; forgotten; broken.

Listen, God absolutely desires you know His will for your life. Absolutely. God absolutely desires that you live with an overwhelming peace in your life. God absolutely desires that you find your place, fulfill your dreams, and live in a way that makes a difference in the world for eternity. God desires that you feel valued. God desires that you feel loved. God desires that you know Him as Personal Savior and that you spend an eternity with Him in heaven. And... Each God ordered and ordained plan for you is designed, outlined, detailed, and fulfilled in the Holy Scriptures He has given to you.

Now, I have heard it stated and argued... How can a book written thousands of years ago be relevant for your life today? How can it be that authors who lived as many as 3,000 years ago, have anything applicable to offer to you today in this age and time on planet Earth? My response to such an argument? Though the Scriptures are 66 books, divided into two testaments, written by approximately 40 different authors over the course of approximately 1,500 years, these holy words of God are not 66 detached interpretations of the unfolding of God’s plan. Rather, Scripture is one majestic, cohesive statement from the very mouth of God communicated by the pen of man.

This is why these Words on the pages of Scripture, from the Genesis, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth,” to the final stroke of the pen of John in the book of Revelation, “The grace of the Lord be with God’s people, Amen,” continue to be relevant – in the past, now, and forevermore. These are Words written and spoken by a Holy God. His Words are true. His Words are timeless. Yes Church, Scripture is the very Words of God. And, a life immersed in the pursuit of these words is what truly shapes one’s life philosophy for the better. 

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:1

John 1 confirms to us that to know Scripture... is to know God. There is no greater asset for properly shaping one’s philosophy of life than that of the Scriptures. Since before time, God’s Holy Word has been and will forever be humanity’s only source of truth. So... knowing all of this I have shared this morning... where does this take us now? Well, there are so very many directions we could go from here... I want to offer to you, simply, to what I can attest happens in your life when you commit time to being in the Scriptures. I have experienced in my own life very specific and beneficial results to spending time with God specifically in His Holy Word. So let me share with you such personal benefits:

1. When you spend time in the Scriptures, you spend time with God.
If you want to know God, truly know Him - His ways, His expectations, His thoughts, His character, His attributes, His mindset, His rhythm – the best way to do so is to simply read His Words. The Bible authenticates this truth: When you read Scripture, you are hearing directly from God.

2 Timothy 3:16-17

Every part of Scripture is breathed out by God. Isn’t this fascinating to know, y’all! The words we read in Scripture are words that first passed through the very lips of God Almighty. Reading the Scriptures is truly the equivalent of conversing with the Holy God. 

Hebrews 1:1-3

God has always spoken to His people – first through the prophets and ultimately through Jesus Christ. When you read the Scriptures, you are not merely reading human words. No! When you read the Scriptures, you are hearing the very breath of God. So... I would then present this dilemma – one that only you can work through... If you are not spending consistent time with God, then, is it safe to say... you do not desire to better know God? Only you can answer this question correctly!

2. When you spend time in the Scriptures, you become the best version of you. 
As you spend time with God, His Word teaches you how to best position your life for success. Therefore, your life philosophy vastly improves as you better learn to align your skill sets, your personality and your disposition after the attributes taught in His very words. You see... Only God understands fully who you are and, therefore, only God’s words can best lead you where He desires you go in life. The reach of God’s Word is endless for your life. And the more you are in the Word, the better your life becomes. It just does, y’all! The Psalmist clearly understood this when he wrote:

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. Psalm 119:105

Do you know that the word “lamp” used here by the Psalmist does not merely reference the opposite of darkness? No this Hebrew word does not mean that Scriptures turns on the light to the dark, though this too most assuredly can happen as well. No, the Hebrew word “lamp” is much more robust than this.

Lamp / Hebrew/ ner / n.m. = to show the way of truth

Isn’t this so very good! God’s Word shows you the way of truth, and, in choosing to follow it, you continue to become the very best you!

3. When you spend time in the Scriptures, you long for more time in the Scriptures.

Psalm 119:33-40

Notice in verse 35, God reminds us that we are delighted when we spend time with Him in His word. And in verse 40, he writes: “I long for your precepts!” The more you are with God, the more you desire to be with Him! Why? Because reading the Holy Scriptures is not merely an intellectual exercise. Reading the Scriptures is a divine encounter with God. And every time you open Scripture, you are hearing from the Creator who breathed the very words you read. And such an encounter is infectious!

God’s Word is the most important asset in your life. And as such, it deserves to be at the top of the priority list each day for the Christ-follower who is desiring of a life philosophy of daily honor to Almighty God. So, my question to you this morning: Are you taking advantage of this asset in your life? As we discussed earlier, most humans, and sadly, even many within the Church, do not.

When you consider the philosophy of life by which you interact, decision make, dream, plan, and ultimately live your life, there is an overarching, underlying guide directing your steps. A question worth considering, “What is directing the steps you are taking in life?” The Psalmist wrote, for him, it is the very Scriptures, the holy statutes of the Lord:

Psalm 19:97-104 

Lastly, I offer three take-homes for you personally to consider applying to your intimate times in Scripture. I want to share with you three steps I personally take before reading the scriptures, while I am reading the scriptures, and the final step I take after reading the scriptures.

First... Before reading the Scriptures, pray.
Do you pray before entering into a time of communication with the Lord? If not, I emphatically encourage you to do exactly this! Y’all... we all need to do exactly this. Why? It’s really simple because you have to remember that when you enter into a time with the Almighty Lord, you equally have an enemy working to confuse and distract such a time. 

Let me ask… How many of you, while praying or studying God's word have found your mind wandering - thinking about things other than the Scripture you are reading, thinking about things you need to get to on, or thinking you need to hurry and get through this moment so that you can get on with the rest of the day? Has this happened to you? Of course it has! It happens to me too. Do you really believe this is a coincidence? I think not! This is your enemy, the great receiver, going into distraction mode. This is one of the things he does best to deceive and distract.

So you must pray, in Jesus name, that all distractions are silenced, that the enemy has no authority over your time and focus in this moment, and that your undivided attention is upon the very voice of God who is awaiting the ultimate focus of your heart. So before you begin to study the Scriptures, pray. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you an understanding of what you are reading and then the discernment as to how to apply God's Word to your life in this moment.

The Psalmist prayed:

Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law. I am a stranger on earth; do not hide your commands from me. Psalm 119:18

Secondly, While reading the Scriptures, write down what the Lord says to you in His Word.
I have shared this with you so very many times:

If I write it, I remember it. If I remember it, I will live it.

Look at this passage today as to what the Psalmist says as to remembering the teachings of the Lord:

Psalm 119:107-112

The best life philosophy is one saturated in the intimate words God speaks specifically to you. If you want to apply these very teachings to your life philosophy, write them down!

Lastly... After reading the Scriptures, work diligently to apply these truths to your life philosophy. Reading without application is like iced tea without ice! It’s drinkable, but less, much very less, desirable. Make it a personal habit to apply what you have received from the Scriptures.

Do not merely listen to the word and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. James 1:22

God’s Scripture is truth. When you build your very life upon it day by day, you begin to embrace a life philosophy founded upon the very breath of the one who placed the planets into orbit, the stars into the sky, the grass upon the field, the birds in the sky, and the very unique being of who you are on this planet right here upon this most beautiful moment in time. By committing to a daily intimate time with the God of the universe, you are inviting the one true Lord to shape you into the person He already knows you can be!

Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts. Colossians 3:16


Jeffrey Dean Smith is a husband, father to Bailey & Brynnan, author, and the Senior Pastor at Donelson First in Nashville, TN. If you are in Music City, meet Jeffrey and enjoy iced tea on the front lawn each Sunday at 10:30a.