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This blog post is Part 31 of a series entitled "From Fear To Freedom" by Pastor Jeffrey Dean Smith of Donelson First in Nashville, TN. 

Message Date: October 27, 2024

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In the 1920’s an Italian immigrant, made a fortune off of lying to people. In fact, he was so good at deception that the government named a type of fraud after him. In 1921, he tricked thousands of New England residents into investing in a postage stamp speculation scheme. He promised investors that he could provide a massive 50 percent return on their investment in just 90 days. Each time a new investor gave him money, he’d use those funds to pay off earlier investors, creating the illusion that they were profiting from a legitimate business. At the height of his huge scam, he raked in $250,000 a day, which, in today’s money, is about $3 million! But his days of scheming and scamming caught up to him in August of 1922, when he was charged with 86 counts of mail fraud. The man’s name who falsely manipulated and lied to so very many people: Charles Ponzi. Thus, the name often given to such acts: a “Ponzi Scheme!”

Well, here we are... 31 weeks into what has been the deepest dive I have yet to take in the Scriptures. Before we unpack Commandment #9, which speaks directly against such actions as those Charles Ponzi took over 100 years ago, I want to quickly let you know where we are headed as we make the final turn to complete this series. Next week, we will study the final Commandment, Commandment #10. We will then spend 4 more weeks in this series, ending our 11-month journey with Moses on December 1. I can tell you this... if you have family in town with you over Thanksgiving weekend, you will want them here on Sunday, December 1 as we end this series. It will be quite the Sunday! 

Commandment #9: You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.

Exodus 20:15

What does God mean when He speaks these words in Exodus 20, “Do not give false testimony against your neighbor?” Well, once again, let’s turn to the original translation of these words to seal the deal in our minds as to what God is saying to His people then... and to His Church today! I warn you Church... the Hebrew is abrasively clear:

False / Hebrew / seqer = lying; deceiving; disillusionment; useless deceit

Testimony / Hebrew / ed = evidence; those who speak on a specific topic

God is simply saying: Do not offer evidence against your neighbor that is lying, deceitful, leaves others in disillusionment, and offers nothing but words of useless deceit. Even more simple: Do not tell a lie. Tell the truth. Always. Now... to make sure we each are on the same page this morning as to “whom” is one’s neighbor:

Neighbor / Hebrew /rea = one another; the closest of friends; fellow believers

Your neighbor is your spouse. Your neighbor is your child. Your neighbor is your co-worker. Your neighbor is your friend. Your neighbor is your neighbor.

The 9th Commandment just very well might be the most difficult of all the Commandments because this Commandment allows for no middle ground; no compromise; no stretching of the truth; no manipulation; no “white lies”; no lying to protect one’s feelings nor even to ensure one’s safety... No! this Commandment is a tough one because it requires you to tell the truth at all times. I have lied. There have been moments in my life when I have stretched the truth; misled; covered up; and my actions too have hurt others. And, as a result, I have been reminded through the Holy Spirit’s promptings this week: When you give a false testimony against your neighbor, someone will always be hurt. It may not be immediate. But a false testimony of useless deceit will eventually be exposed!

Truthful lips endure forever, but a lying tongue lasts only a moment. Proverbs 12:19

Meaning this... eventually, all liars are laid bare for others to see.Too, as I contemplated this reality as to my own indiscretions this week, my heart was drawn to this question: Why does God abhor lying? Proverbs 25:18 proclaims this:

Like a club or a sword or a sharp arrow is one who gives false testimony against a neighbor. Proverbs 25:18

God detests lying because God is truth. There is no falsity present in the Holy Father. He is wholly divine. Perfect. Exact. Genuine. This is why we see over and again in the Scriptures through a variety of teachings and people and circumstances, God continually draws us back to these ever-important 10 Commandments He desires we follow. Y’all, I’ve been decreeing throughout this almost year-long study of the pattern we see over and again through the Scriptures as it relates to the Ten Commandments: We first receive the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20. We continue to receive the Ten Commandments again and again throughout the Scriptures that proceed Exodus 20. Proverbs 6 details exactly how God feels about lying. And I warn you Church, it is brutal:

Proverbs 6:16-19

Complemented with how God feels about liars, He says this about the one true liar: You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. John 8:44

Too, what is most telling about Commandment #9 is just how very much our Creator and Lord understands the true nature and heart of man. As God is establishing the Laws for His new nation, the nation of Israel, by which they are to abide, He fully understands that, as Scripture conveys to us:

The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? Jeremiah 17:9

Jesus Himself, while on Earth, made this condemning statement about the heart of man:

But the things that come out of a person’s mouth come from the heart, and these defile them. For out of the heart come evil thoughts - murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. Matthew 15:18-19

Do you notice that every act of defilement which Jesus states in these verses originate in the heart of man are acts God spoke against in the writings of the Ten Commandments? Every single one of them! God knew it to be when writing these commands that the nation of Israel, and too all of humanity, would struggle with embracing the truth, and too, speaking the truth above all else. We see this in the writings of Paul in the New Testament to the Church in Ephesus:

Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor, for we are all members of one body. Ephesians 4:25

So, let’s get really practical here. As it relates to one’s neighbor, what are some ways you and I can give false testimony that God speaks against in Commandment #9. Let’s talk about this:

False testimony is:

1. Gossip

You know what I find really interesting... I almost always only hear the word “gossip” when one speaks of the ministry of the Church. Now, I presume people gossip everywhere. I mean... I remember it happening when I was in middle school. And I too presume some gossip in their workplace or in their neighborhoods... but even if it happens in other places, I only hear people talking about the false testimony of gossip in the Church! Why is this? Why do we think this is okay? Why does this happen? Pride. Arrogance. Discomfort. Someone not getting their way – not getting what they want. And here is a big one... selfishness. 

Gossip / Greek / psithyristēs = whisperer of pain; a talebearer; scandal-monger

I find the Greek definition for the word “gossip” very telling, for when one gossips about another, pain is almost always heaped upon the one of whom the whisperer of pain speaks. I too presume a gossiper’s goal is to build by destroying – build oneself up by tearing another down. Gossipers too speak of the faults and misdeeds of others; they point out others mistakes. But do so in an attempt to, as the true definition reveals, whisper pain. The apostle Paul speaks to this in the book of Romans:

Romans 1:29-32

Now... before you think God is speaking of others... think again. If you have ever given false testimony, ever told a lie, ever talked about a neighbor, ever gossiped... then, I am so very sorry my friend... this passage is talking about you! Look at the last sentence in this brutally sobering passage:

... they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them. Romans 1:32

I tell you... I continue to be amazed at just how very practical Scripture is when you really pause to give it adequate consideration. You see what Paul is saying here as it relates to a gossip? Those who gossip love to hang around those who gossip. Gossipers feed off of gossipers. Do you notice the connection, once again, to the Holy Laws of the Exodus God gives to His people? Notice what Paul reveals happens when you turn away from and reject the Laws of God? Church, this is evidence once again, as to the false doctrine some preach when they state that we are to solely follow the teachings of the New Testament and to mostly ignore the Old Testament teachings and Laws, labeling them as archaic and unnecessary to our lives today. Paul proclaims that those who abandon the Laws of God turn to their sinful nature, which, as he reveals, includes gossip! 

Here’s a question for you today and, let me too add this... this one revelation probably will not make me a lot of friends today!) What demographic of people in the Bible are referenced more than any other in association with being a “whisperer of pain; a talebearer; scandal-monger,” or a gossip? The answer: Women. More specifically... widowed women! Look at what Paul writes in his letter to Timothy:

Besides, they get into the habit of being idle and going about from house to house. And not only do they become idlers, but also busybodies who talk nonsense, saying things they ought not to. 1 Timothy 5:13

To whom is Paul referring in his letter to Timothy? Widows! Solomon too wrote several sober warnings for us all in the book of Proverbs:

A gossip betrays a confidence; so avoid anyone who talks too much. Proverbs 20:19

Whoever derides their neighbor has no sense, but the one who has understanding holds their tongue. A gossip betrays a confidence, but a trustworthy person keeps a secret. Proverbs 11:12-13

Church, I pray this often for us. I can tell you that through my 27 years of ministry prior to God calling me here to this light on the hill in Donelson, I had so very many Pastor friends share horrific stories with me of church members who talk and gossip and spread evil through their words. I pray for us that we are not such a church. And not being such a church begins with what? You. Me. God knew how divisive such false testimony against one’s neighbor could be in destroying a nation; destroying the Church. Therefore, He commands the nation of Israel to have nothing of it! As your Pastor, I today continue in a similar proclamation:

Never becoming a church of gossip begins with you choosing to never become a person of gossip.

2. Flattery

You know, I am beginning to surmise that when a friend flatters you about how young you look, this most assuredly means you are, in fact, getting older! While gossip is saying behind a person’s back what you would never say to a person, flattery is the exact opposite. Flattery is false testimony because it’s purpose is always selfish. A compliment is intended to benefit the recipient, whereas flattery is deceptive at best as its end-game benefits the flatterer. For example... when someone flatters you with an excessive compliment, the general purpose for such flattery is often to the benefit or advantage of the one offering such admiration. It is fake; it is phony; it is false! The Bible has a lot to say about such a false testimony given through flowery words. 

For this command is a lamp, this teaching is a light, and correction and instruction are the way to life, keeping you from your neighbor’s wife, from the smooth talk of a wayward woman. Proverbs 6:23-24

They will keep you from the adulterous woman, from the wayward woman with her seductive words. Proverbs 7:5

The word “seductive” in these verses is the same Hebrew word for flattery. Read what Paul writes in Romans using the same Hebrew word:

Romans 16:17-18

Paul is speaking to those within the Church, y’all! And He says, “Such people are causing disunity in the Church... and you are to stay away from them!” Paul spoke of exactly this happening in the early Church. Sadly, it continues to manifest itself in the Church even unto today. To the Church in Thessalonica, Paul conveys to God’s people the importance of knowing that the apostles never, ever use flowery words in spreading the Gospel:

You know we never used flattery, nor did we put on a mask to cover up greed—God is our witness. 1 Thessalonians 2:5

And the Prophet Daniel warned of those who manipulated people by twisting the very words of the Law:

With flattery he will corrupt those who have violated the covenant, but the people who know their God will firmly resist him. Daniel 11:32

Man oh man... is this not what we hear from so very many very influential Pastors in the pulpit today? Many use flattery to draw followers to their socials, to worship their teaching platforms, to sell their books, and to fill their sanctuary seats! Water-downed messages; cheerful verses and a lot of smiles; personal stories to make people feel good about themselves. I was so very saddened this past week to hear these words from an extremely well-known, well-respected, and well-followed Pastor from Atlanta who recently shared these words at a leadership conference in Mesa, Arizona:

“As Pastors, we must make allowances in the Church for gay and lesbian couples to be married because this is as close as they can get to a New Testament framework of marriage. Telling a gay person they must stop being gay is like taking a wheelchair away from a guy who cannot walk. The bible spoke of such things. However, we must unhinge from the laws of the Old Testament and shift the Church and our congregations in a new direction.”
Pastor, Atlanta, GA

On the surface, his words sound really good as he likens the taking away of the freedom he says a gay couple deserves to that of taking away a crippled person’s mode of travel. But his words of flattery are squarely directed at a new young generation of churchgoers, which are precisely the paramount generation of those in the seats in his congregation, who are looking for churches willing to compromise Scripture in order to cast inclusiveness and the woke approach from the pulpit. I can assure you... at Donelson First, you’ll never have to worry about this Pastor’s use of flowery words to garner your favor!

As a matter of fact, if you get a little uncomfortable under my teaching, or even get a little agitated with me... then I am probably doing a pretty good job of teaching the Holy Scriptures! Keep in mind Church, when God speaks these Laws recorded for us in Exodus 20, the entire nation of Israel is hearing the very voice of God... look at what happens after God speaks the Ten Commandments to His people:

Exodus 20:18-22

Obviously, the nation of Israel is literally trembling with a Holy fear and reverence to God. Yet, God was not concerned with pleasing these people with flattery! And, when His Son, Jesus, comes to live out His ministry, He does nothing to inflate self-importance among those who heard His teachings! No! Instead, with words quite the opposite of flattery, Jesus emphasized that you are to die to yourself! He said:

Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me. Luke 9:23

He too said if you want to keep your life, you are going to lose it!

Whoever tries to keep their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life will preserve it. Luke 17:33

And, if you love anything more than Him, you are not worthy of His love.

Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it. Matthew 10:37-39

Nothing flattering whatsoever about such words Church! Lastly, one more example of false testimony to your neighbor that, in some way, potentially nails us all!

3. Silence

When you remain silent to the atrocities of society; when you choose to say nothing, not speaking up, speaking out, speaking boldly about the sins of your neighbor, you give a false testimony with no testimony. Is not this precisely what Aaron does while Moses is on the Mountain with God? Read with me:

Exodus 32:1-4

The people spoke wrongly about Moses. Aaron said nothing. He was silent! The result: Tragedy for them all! Once Moses descends from the mountain of God, God gives Moses very specific directions in how to lead His people. Look at what God says to Moses about the sin of silence:

If anyone sins because they do not speak up when they hear a public charge to testify regarding something they have seen or learned about, they will be held responsible. Leviticus 5:1

And in the New Testament, James essentially makes the same statement:

If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them. James 4:17

This is precisely what mostly all of the disciples did when Jesus was arrested, placed through a mockery of a trial, was beaten, spit upon, and nailed to a tree. They ran. They hid. They were silent. Now, this challenge does not give you the green light to walk around pointing fingers at the world. It instead empowers you to be a testimony of truth; to be a light in an increasingly dark world; to be the voice in the room willing to speak up and speak out and speak confidently knowing that your neighbor deserves to hear the truth no matter how hard the truth is to hear. 


Jeffrey Dean Smith is a husband, father to Bailey & Brynnan, author, and the Senior Pastor at Donelson First in Nashville, TN. If you are in Music City, meet Jeffrey and enjoy iced tea on the front lawn each Sunday at 10:30a.