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This blog post is Part 24 of a series entitled "From Fear To Freedom" by Pastor Jeffrey Dean Smith of Donelson First in Nashville, TN. 

Message Date: August 18, 2024

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A place of nostalgia. I presume we each possess such a place. For me, one place was my first apartment here in Nashville. I moved into this apartment in 1990 just a few months before Amy and I began dating at the beginning of our senior years at BU. This was my first official home, not in a dorm, on my own. I lived there for 4 years. I got engaged while living there. I wrote my first song while living there. So very many great memories happened while living on Cedar Lane in the Belmont district. And each time I drive by there, I’m taken back. I doubt I will ever forget so very much that happened in my life while living at this first apartment. I presume such a place for Moses would have been Mount Horeb, or the mountain of God.

Mount Horeb / Greek/ Mountain of Yhvh = the Mountain of God; Mount Sinai

It was upon this mountain where God first spoke to Moses revealing to Moses His desire to set free His people, the nation of Israel, who were in Egyptian captivity as slaves of the Pharoah. God spoke to Moses at this place, on this mountain:

Exodus 3:1-6

Do you recall, we studied 7 months ago a promise God made to Moses while speaking to him through this burning bush on this very mountain:

Exodus 3:12

God promises to Moses that His people will worship Him on this mountain, all 2 million of them! So, on the first day of the third month after the Exodus from Egypt, God’s people arrive at this very place... the mountain of God:

Exodus 19:1-25

The second half of the book of Exodus focuses on Mount Sinai, the mountain of God. The events detailed in the rest of the book of Exodus all happen here at this mountain. And it is presumed that God’s people stay camped here for more than a year. Right here at the beginning of our study today, I want to offer to you this morning what I believe to be the theme of the remaining events that happen in the book of Exodus. This theme or objective truly encapsulates all that God wants Moses and his people to know. It actually is a two-part theme. And its significance cannot be overstated. For it is this thesis that is so needed in my life and in your life today. At this moment, here at the mountain of God, we are reminded:

You are in need of:
1. Time with God.
2. Obedience to God.

Do you know that studies reveal that the average American spends 4 hours and 37 minutes looking at their phone every day. That quickly adds up over time to about 1 day every week! Think about what I just said! The average American loses an entire day each week staring at a screen! Accumulatively this averages to 6 days every month and 70 days every year. The average American will spend 12 years staring at their phone screens over their lifespan. Why? It’s really simple: The more time you are on your phone, the more time you want to be on your phone. This is kind of why they call it an addiction! Practically speaking, this should make sense to us all. For it goes without saying that so very many things with which we engage in life as humans, the more we do these things, the more we desire to do these things. Time with God is no different folks. Cognitively, this is how the human body functions.

The more I am with God, the more I desire to be with God. And the more I spend time with God, such a commitment naturally shapes my obedience to God. 

Y’all, I am realizing more and more in my personal life that, the more time I spend with God, the more I get to know Him; the more I better understand myself; the more I realize my need for even more time with Him; the more I desire to best live for Him; and ultimately, the end result is a life pursuit desiring to obediently follow His will for my life. Obviously, God understands this to be true. After all, He made us. He made us desiring of an affectionate relationship with Him. And today we are going to see that God, all along, had a very specific plan to intimately meet here, at Mount Sinai, with Moses.

Sinai was a very important location in God’s plan for His people. The Sinai mountains tower into the Sinai Peninsula desert skies no less than 8,000 feet above sea level. It is here where, too, God had planned all along to meet with the people He had redeemed from slavery and bondage. It is here, at the mountain of God, where God will reveal His covenant for His people and for Moses. But, before God spends a significant amount of time, 40 days and nights, alone with Moses on the Mountain, God outlines 4 specific requirements His people are to follow. What is fascinating about these requirements is just how very relevant these truths are for our lives today. Let’s discuss them now!

1. A willingness to obey

Have you ever had someone stop and ask you, “Hey, can you do me a favor?” Such a question is really quite funny. Because when someone asks this question of you, you have no idea to what you are agreeing. Interestingly, this is precisely what happens here in this moment. The Lord demands that Israel be faithful to all of His requests, His covenant. Yet, God proclaims such a demand before He reveals the details. Look again:

Exodus 19:3-6

In the late 16th Century, long before using social media, radio, TV, and the likes to make public announcements, one of the most popular and coveted jobs was that of the “Town Crier.” No, the Town Crier, was not one who would sit in the city streets too merely wail and shed tears. No, the Town Crier was the official who would read proclamations, announcements, and new laws from the King notifying the towns folk of necessary information. Before such a statement would be read, typically at noon on the corner of the busiest street in the city, the Town Crier would begin his delivery with these 4 words: “Hear ye, hear ye!”, essentially notifying the people of an important announcement of which they must not miss was about to be proclaimed. God wanted to make sure that this all important announcement was heard by the entire nation of Israel. So before even sharing His laws and degrees, He commands Moses to tell the people of Israel: Display a willingness to obey me!

If you have seen the classic movie, The 10 Commandments, then you may recall the movie showing Charlton Heston's character, Moses, ascending to the mountain to meet with God. He later returns after one trip carrying quite carefully in his arms two stone tablets representing The 10 Commandments of God. A more meticulous examination of the Scriptures reveals that Moses actually made seven trips! 7 times Moses climbs the mountain of God to meet with the Lord, and this does not include the 8th trip, which lasted 40 days and 40 nights and culminated with Moses returning with the 10 Commandments in hand. It is in his first climb up to God, we see that God wants to be absolutely sure that the Hebrews possess a willingness to obey Him. Look at verse 5 again:

Exodus 19:5

Then, Moses returns from the mountain and look at what he does next:

Exodus 19:7

Imagine hearing, in unison, the voices of two million people carrying across this place of massive rocks. Their voices echo in verse 8:

Exodus 19:8

I ask you to consider: Is there something God is asking of you that you have yet to obey?

So... Moses returns to the mountain to meet yet again with God and God says to Moses:

Exodus 19:9

We see that God desires, secondly, that His people cultivate:

2. A sensitivity to listen

God wants to make sure His people hear Him when He speaks. And not only hear Him, but too, look at this... Listen, really listen here Church... Did God say, “I want the people to hear Me speaking so that they will place their trust in Me?” No! This is not what God said. Look at it again what God says specifically to Moses in verse 9:

Exodus 19:9

Do you see it! God says, “I want the people to hear Me, so that they place their trust in you Moses!” This is amazing, y’all! Christian, God truly wants to empower you. He wants to give you favor in your place in the world. Why? Why does God do this? Does He need Moses to accomplish His will?  The answer is: No. God does not need any of us to accomplish His will. But what God does choose to do: Use you in His story... if you what... obey! The key to such favor and privilege and honor: Your obedience.

Now, I want to pause here for a moment and propose a question to you for consideration… a question that I have been asked over and again through the years in ministry. The question is this: Is it absolutely escapable that the Lord’s plan will be accomplished?

Simply: If God is completely in control of every situation, does it really matter what decisions you make in life? Well in order to fully discern what God desires for you, and we too see this so clearly in His expectations for Moses and the nation of Israel while camping at the foot of the mountain of God, one must understand that there are two aspects to the will of God for your life:
Two aspects to the will of God:
1. God’s determined will.
2. God’s desired will. 

God’s determined will = God’s plan that is absolute. Unfailing. You cannot change it.

The Lord Almighty has sworn, “Surely, as I have planned, so it will be, and as I have purposed, so it will happen. Isaiah 14:24

Example: Creation. His covenants with His people. One of the greatest examples of God’s determined will: The Lord’s promise to send us a Savior. He does exactly this. Nothing nor no one could have averted this miracle from happening. And hallelujah that it did! And then, there is:
God’s desired will = God’s plan that is expressed but neither irresistible nor unconditional. You can obey Him or go your own way.

Who, then, are those who fear the Lord? He will instruct them in the ways they should choose. Psalm 25:12

Example: Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. They were given one prohibition. They disobeyed him. They paid the price. With God’s desired will, you are subject to a free will; you choose whether or not you will obey or disobey the desires of an almighty God. However whether you are operating in the Lords determined or desired will, know that God wants to direct your steps and help you walk in obedience to His plan.

For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose. Philippians 2:13

When you choose to set your heart to obey God's will, whether His determined or desired will, you set yourself up for success.

It was God's desire that the nation of Israel follow His will. So He wants to set them up for success. Therefore, He best prepares them to succeed by positioning them to have a sensitivity to His voice. This is why he continues to send Moses down off of the mountain, 7 times in all, to ensure that His people are ready to first, hear from Him, and then, choose to follow Him. And guys, this is exactly how God works in my life and in your life today. He allows circumstances to consume you that can be used either to bring Him glory as you trust Him with your conditions, or in forfeiting His ways in place of your own. Some such circumstances which arise can be exceedingly difficult to navigate; others, are often immersed in blessings and moments of ecstasy and joy. Either way, remember this Church... God is always positioning you to succeed. You just have to decide if you are going to follow His ways or yours in the process.

Let me give you two examples: 16 years ago this fall, I was scheduled to speak at the Pro-life Conference for Heartbeat International in Orlando, FL. I was asked to speak on the gift of life and the concept of God's blessings as it relates to the unborn child in the womb, and the responsibility we have at His followers to trust him even when life’s circumstances do not go our way. A secondary situation that was unfolding in my life at this time was the negotiations my office was having with Waterbrook Random House Publishing. For quite some time we had been discussing a book deal which involved me submitting a manuscript for my first book to this very large global publishing house.

One of my favorite restaurants is in Orlando, and every time I speak in the city, I try to dine at this local favorite. I remember eating at this restaurant that night before I was to speak the next morning at the conference. While there, I received a phone call from my agent-to-be sharing with me the news that they had decided to pass on my manuscript. I was heartbroken. I had worked on this book for so very long and believed that this publishing deal was going to happen. I remember that night calling Amy to share with her the news… I can still picture where I was standing when I called her outside of the restaurant, devastated. I don't remember the exact words used, but I do remember Amy telling me we were going to trust God with this situation, reminding me of God's faithfulness thus far in our ministry, and that God was going to do something. I knew she was right. The next day, I spoke at the conference. After speaking, I remember standing backstage and picking up my phone, noticing that I had a voicemail that had been left while I was speaking. It was my publisher. He had notified me that they, in fact, had decided not to do offer me a one book deal, but they instead wanted to issue a contract for a five book deal. Over the course of the next 15 years, I wrote those five books and, just several years ago, they agreed to another book. I wrote six books with Random House Publishing. I often think of this story, an extremely challenging circumstance that was quite difficult to navigate but required my trust in the Lord.

A second story, but completely different set of circumstances, transpired just this week. I spent several days in Little Rock with my family, where my dad is sick and battling cancer. I love being with my father, but it is difficult, because he is wrestling with the reality of having terminal cancer. While there one night, I stepped out into the back yard just at the time the sun was setting over the water in Little Rock. While looking into the sky on this night, I was reminded of God's goodness as I look at the beautiful sunset over the Arkansas river. At that moment, I felt peace overcome as I was reminded how very good God is even in the midst of dealing with losing a loved one.

With these two personal situations - a difficult story of how God provided me a publishing deal; too, the moment of peace I found in the midst of my father’s sickness – two entirely different situations in which I chose to listen to the voice of God through my wife’s leading and through the beauty of a sunset in which I felt the peace of God while dealing with hurt. With each situation, I was faced with the decision to trust that God is in control and has my best intentions at heart!

In what way is God positioning you so that you can clearly hear His voice?


Jeffrey Dean Smith is a husband, father to Bailey & Brynnan, author, and the Senior Pastor at Donelson First in Nashville, TN. If you are in Music City, meet Jeffrey and enjoy iced tea on the front lawn each Sunday at 10:30a.