Understanding Baptism

Baptism is a statement about your commitment to follow Jesus with your life as His disciple, which simply means following in His footsteps. 

Baptism isn’t a guarantee of a trouble-free life. Rather, it is something that God tells us to do as part of our journey with Him- making our faith public and telling people we’re proud to be a disciple of Jesus.  Because Baptism is such a significant decision, it is important that you take the time to think about what it means. 

Why Get Baptized?

Baptism is a public symbol and declaration that you believe Jesus died to forgive your sins and that you want to follow Him as His disciple.  Baptism, though, doesn’t “save” you from your sins; it is a picture of what you already believe to be true. 

Only God’s grace (His unmerited favor- favor your don’t earn), through faith in Jesus’ death and resurrection (which shows us He has power over sin and death), saves us from our sins. It’s something He does! 

Baptism is important, but you shouldn’t get baptized because you want to go to Heaven.  If you have never placed your faith in Jesus as Lord (Master, the One with the final say) and Savior (The only forgiver of your sins that can save you), consider placing your faith in Him!  Talk to a pastor about it. 

Look up Romans 6:1-4 and read it.  Paul describes how baptism “joins us” with Jesus.  Being lowered into the water symbolizes our death to sin through the sacrifice of Jesus.  And when he or she is raised out of the water, it symbolizes our resurrection through Jesus as a new creation and a member of the church.  It is a simple picture of Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection.  Which is the gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ!   

Baptism represents the new life we have when we place our faith in Jesus.

Check out the following verses from the end of Jesus life and the beginning of the church to see how baptism was discussed and practiced then: Matthew 28:19-20, Acts 2:37-41, and Acts 8:26-40.

  • Does Jesus command baptism?
  • When do you think someone should be baptized?
  • Do you have to take time to get everything right in your life before you get baptized?  Why or why not? 

Placing your faith in Jesus is the only requirement for baptism.  It is not about saying you have everything together perfectly.  It is about saying you don’t have it all together, but you know Jesus, who loves you despite your sin, and you want to be identified with Him as His disciple.

Next Steps

If you have read our baptism page and would like to schedule an appointment with a pastor to be baptized, please complete the Baptism Form.

Baptism Form